The story (this is going to be long but I want to write it down while I remember all the little details..): **Most of the pics in this post were taken by my friend Jen**
Wayne and I stayed up late Friday (29th) night with Darryl & Juanita (Wayne's brother & brother's girlfriend) watching a movie, in fact we stayed up till 2am. I know, stupid, and I actually thought at 10pm that I should go to bed but didn't. So at 2am we went and climbed into bed and almost instantly I felt a "weird" pain
then 5 minutes later another weird pain...
"Wayne. What time is it?"
5 minutes later...ummm.... "Wayne. What time is it?"
Me-"I think I might be having contractions."
Another 5 minutes went by and the pain was there again.. "OH CRAP!!!!"
So I layed in bed for a while and since I couldn't see the clock and couldn't time the contractions I got up and finished packing my hospital bag and Nate's sleepover bag. I then wanted to keep busy so I showered and did my hair and makeup (have to look good while pushing the baby out...HAHA...ya right, my hair was in a ponytail before we left the house) The contractions were then about 3-5 minutes apart and 45seconds-1.5 minutes long and hurt enough to make me stop and focus through them but really they weren't CRAZY bad. I decided to call the doctor on call and had a contraction through the conversation and was told to come in.
4:30am- I woke up Wayne and told him it was time and then Wayne got Nathan up and ready to go. I called my parents and Wayne called his parents, both sounded oddly awake like they were excited or something to get "this" call. On the way into the city there were 2 BEAUTIFUL rainbows that helped keep my focus while I tried to stay focused.

Sitting in the car was NOT fun because sitting was NOT comfortable at all, but I didn't want to scare Nathan or let him know that I was in pain so I tried to stay SUPER calm.

(This was while I was having a contraction... I look really happy don't I..haha)
We dropped Nathan off at Auntie Jen's and then headed to the hospital, the contractions were still 3 minutes apart but closer to 1.5 minutes.
5:00am- Wayne dropped me off at the Emergency room doors and then quickly went to park. I had a contraction right before entering the hospital and quickly was surrounded by 2 EMT's and a security guy.... I felt REALLY special. We were quickly admitted and headed upstairs to assessment.
5:30am- I layed down in the bed to get hooked up to the monitors, and a few minutes after the nurse left the room I suddenly had an urge to push. "OH CRAP" I sent Wayne to get the nurse because I really didn't want to deliver a baby on my own. The nurse VERY quickly came into the room and checked my cervix.... 5-6 cms. I must have scared the nurse because I was moved to Labor & Delivery RIGHT fact, I think within 5 minutes I was over to the other wing.
5:45-11:45- I tried incredibly hard to focus and control the INTENSE urge to push. The nurses informed me that if I pushed while I wasn't fully dilated that I could cause some major problems and make delivery a LOT harder. I climbed into the shower and Wayne tried to keep the water spraying on ONE spot while I swayed back and forth.... you would think his hand eye coordination was better but he needs some practice. The shower felt really good but the urge to push was still REALLY fact I don't remember really feeling the contractions because I really was just trying not to push. I then climbed in the jacuzzi which was FABULOUS and in between contractions I actually almost fell asleep. I then got out of there and went back into the room. My nurses were wonderful and kept saying how great I was doing, that I could do this, that I was strong...etc. etc. I got to the point that my body just started to push on it's own and then I was FIGHTING off the urge. I decided at this point that I was done... I NEEDED an epidural... not because I was in SOOOOO much pain but because I was so scared that I was going to hurt myself and cause problems. The nurses gave me the mask thingy that has some drugs in it and I thought I was going to suffocate myself... I was sucking those drugs in as HARD as I could and nothing was happening. After a while the nurses put some medicine into my IV, whatever it was made me feel loopy but still didn't help with pushing. Finally, the anesthesiologist came into the room and I was in heaven.
Noonish- The drugs started working and the urge "subsided" so I sent Wayne off for lunch. Wayne's family arrived and we chat for a while. They all left the room so I could be checked again and I was only 7cms.... SOOOO DEPRESSING!!! I used the excercise ball for a while to help get baby moving down and after a while the doctor came in to see how things were going. She realized that baby was facing the wrong way (baby's nose is suppose to be facing the bum and baby's nose was facing my belly button)...ohhhh...that's why I've been wanting to push and things have been feeling soooo different. So the nurses had me get up on my hands and knees to try to get baby to flip over.....didn't work. I was starting to feel the contractions again and the urge to push returned. Transition phase things started happening, including the fabulous puking that I do ohhhh so well.
2:30- My parents FINALLY arrived..hehe.. The doctor came back in to check me since I REALLY needed to push again and told me I was only 9 cms and NOT to push. She left the room and during my next contraction baby's heartrate dropped. The doctor instantly came back in and checked me again and suggested we do a test I pushed and she decided that we were going to go ahead and get this baby out. She informed me to be prepared because since baby was facing the wrong direction that it was going to be a LOT harder to push baby out, but after hearing that my baby could be in trouble I didn't care what it took or how much energy....I was going to do EVERYTHING to get baby out.
3:04-I started pushing. The nurses and doctor were awesome....Wayne was WONDERUL, but kept petting me..hehe. I should add that Wayne was INCREDIBLE the whole time...he did EVERYTHING I needed him to do... hold my hand, get away....can you get me some water, no ice, no water....rub here, don't touch...but he mostly just gave me the look like, you can do this and it REALLY helped...he was the PERFECT partner and coach. I don't really remember a whole lot at this point other than trying to find that perfect spot to push but I do remember seeing the head doctor come into the room and the vacuum was started up. I pushed a few more times and then I heard the nurse say "He's right there Jackie, RIGHT THERE." I waited for that last contraction and out HE came. The dr. told me later on that while baby was crowning and right before that last contraction she watched his little head turn all the way around and baby then came out the right way....why didn't he do that 6 hours earlier?!?! :)
3:17- They took our sweet baby instantly away to the warming table, not onto my chest, not where I could see him but away from me. I held my breath waiting for that little squeak of a cry...nothing. Then in walked the Neonatal nurses/dr..... my heart stopped beating! I asked my dr. if everything was okay and she said that baby just had a hard time coming out. Still no crying. I looked at Wayne as if he could make it all better and the look of fear is all I saw. That's when the tears started and all I could do was pray out loud that he was fine...please be fine. I don't know how long it really was, but it felt like eternity until finally we hear the faintest noise but boy was it THE most beautiful noise I have ever heard. After a few minutes the nurse finally brought me my beautiful baby and everything was fine... HE WAS PERFECT!!!!
So I would like to FINALLY introduce our sweet angel baby:
Rylan Jack Shutra
9lbs 6oz
23 3/4 inches long

He is a WONDERFUL baby and has already brought soooo much happiness to our family. It's amazing how much we all love him already and it feels like he's ALWAYS been here.