Monday, December 3, 2007


Why is it that when I am just feeling comfortable with my parenting skills the little punk throws a stick through my spokes and I tumble to the ground, not sure whether I should get up or just lie there and cry?!?!

Why is it that when I am finally starting to enjoy going out with my little punk that the temper tantrums and spazzes start up again?!?!

Why is it that parenting is just one HUGE guessing game and that I am CONSTANTLY making mistakes?!?!?!

Lately, Nathan has REALLY been testing his boundaries and I am REALLY not enjoying it. Wayne has been working late almost every day and so I am a single parent from 7 am till at the earliest 8 pm....I now have a greater respect for single parents and student wives. We have started doing time outs again, which we haven't done for soooo long since he usually is really well behaved, and they don't seem to be working as well as they use to.

He has started saying "NO" but with MAJOR MAJOR attitude, I swear he is a 16 year old girl sometimes. Then the other day I asked him to do something and he said "Ummmm,.........NO" Are you kidding me?!?! This is what I say ALL the time, but it's when I am kidding not when I am being a bum. It was SOOOO funny but let me tell you he never knew that I thought it was funny. I guess I better watch what I say.

Humph, I think I am going to climb into bed and sleep until he is married with little punks of his own to terrorize him.


Vanessa said...


Isn't being a parent fun? Just think, eventually this stage will end and you will have peace until the next one starts (which usually coincides with the last one ending!). Good luck!

adrienne said...

I can relate, Jackie! Denver's been working late as well. I've been told by some people to forget the terrible 2's because 3 is much worse!! Great. I think that's how Macartney's going to be as well. She's been a pretty easy 2 year old, but the closer she gets to 3, the more crazy the tantrums!! Good luck!!

Andy said...

It's true... three is much worse than two... it's just not quite as cute anymore. But I have to admit that this post made me laugh because I can so relate... as I'm sure most other mom's can. It's nice to know that I'm not the only mom feeling that way !

ec said...

i know exactly what you mean.

all the power to ya, sister.

good luck!

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