Tuesday, February 17, 2009

MMM.... wanted to share a yummy recipe that our family LOVES!!!

So my Grandma Butler, Aunts, cousins and Mom like to try out new recipes ALL the time. If they find a good one then it is quickly sent around to everyone to try out. I don't know who found this recipe but I remember the first time my mom made it and it instantly became a family favorite. Wayne (who isn't a HUGE veggie fan) really likes this recipe so I've made it a few times in the last 6 years. I thought I would share this recipe with all of you 'cause it is REALLY easy, yummy, and you can add any veggies you want.

Veggie Pizza

Start by taking 2 cans of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls (not the Jumbo size, and I like using the multigrain ones just cause it makes me feel like it's a little healthier...totally lying to myself though) Press the rolls onto an edged cookie sheet to make the crust.


Follow baking directions on the package and then let cool.

While the crust is cooking make the sauce by mixing:
1 package of cream cheese (I use the lower fat kind, again a little healthier)
3/4 cup sour cream (again lower fat is fine)
1 tbsp mayo (do NOT use Miracle Whip...it will NOT taste the same)
4 tsp. Ranch dip mix (the powdered stuff)

Make sure you get this really smooth, I will start mixing it first with a fork to break it up and then I use a whisk to just get it REALLY smooth. If you start with the whisk first all the cream cheese will just make a HUGE ball in the whisk and it will be a pain to get out, trust me I learnt this the hard way...MANY times..hehe.

Chop up the veggies you want to use in quite small bite size pieces. We usually use brocolli, cauliflower, peppers(I like yellow to add some different colour) and tomatoes (I had to call my mom about this one so don't have them on the chopping board). Again, you can use ANY veggies you want, mushrooms and olives are really good too. You can also grate up a bunch of cheese at this time, I am not sure how much I used but probably 3 cups.

Spread the sauce ALL over the crust.

Spread the veggies all over the pizza and then I like to press all of them down (if you don't the veggies can fall off quite easily when trying to eat them).

Layer the cheese on top.


This pizza needs to be refrigerated when not being eaten. It is VERY filling and I usually can only eat 1 piece, so this lasts a few days for our family.

I hope you like it!!


Anonymous said...

do you melt the cheese at all?

adrienne said...

Ooohh! I've had that before! I think it's a Pampered Chef one, or if it's not, they have one similar to it. It's very yummy!! I should try it again with the kids.

Andy said...

sounds and looks so good... can't wait to try it! thanks!

Sharon said...

MMmmm, I think I'm drooling on the keyboard. Love all the veggies and can't wait to try it.

Jackie S. said...

Liam- This is a cold pizza so you don't heat it up at all..you eat it cold.

I hope you all enjoy it 'cause we really do.

Christal said...

that looks so good!!

stone's eye view said...

I have to say I felt like I was reading from the pioneer woman - great pics to go along with the recipe. We will try this for sure.

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