Monday, March 9, 2009

I dare you....

Today Jen (my BF) and I were spending our day together with the boys and decided to go to Market Mall to play in their little play area. After playing for a while Jen wanted to go try on some jeans (she has had her baby and is looking freaking hot). Nathan however did not want to do this and totally freaked out. Finally I took him out of the store to put him in a time out.

I don't know how most other parents deal with their kids (and to each their own) but we put Nathan in a corner somewhere and then I'll stand with my back to him, but right in front of him until he is done freaking out and ready to talk.

So there I was with a 4 year old SCREAMING at the top of his lungs, we were at a store that faces the food court and once I finally got my back to him I noticed about 30 people staring at me. Yes my son was out of control...yes I had my back to him and was ignoring him....yes I was very upset.... Then I noticed not only were the "older" aged people staring but 4 workers were standing obviously staring at me with their arms folded and the look on their faces were RIDICULOUS!!!!! HELLO, can I help you?!?!?

I feel as a parent that you can never do the right thing in others eyes. What were these people thinking??? Were they thinking I am a bad parent for ignoring him? Were they upset that he was disturbing their coffee time? Were they waiting/watching to see if I was going to beat my child? Were they waiting to see what would happen? Were they glad that I was at least dealing with my child? Honestly, I didn't care 1 bit!!!!! But we had a large audience the WHOLE time he had his time out.

I am SOOOO tired of people judging me because I actually discipline my child. When he makes bad choices and then decides to be a complete spaz, he WILL be dealt with... I don't care where we are... I don't care who is around me... he will be dealt with.

I think society is soooo messed up sometimes. People think we shouldn't discipline/spank (I think there are absolutely other ways to deal with a child other than spanking)/deal with our kids but then wonder why kids are SOOOOO messed up, have NO respect for anyone or anything...hmmm I wonder why?

I love Nathan more than ANYTHING, but he is an extremely strong willed child who can definately pull some MAJOR attitude (ask anyone that has spent more than a few hours with him and they will agree)...(I should also add that he can be absolutely sweet, kind and wonderful as well). I am trying my hardest to teach my child that there are rules and we have to follow those rules and when we don't there are consequences. This time out method works the best for both of us... Nate HATES me ignoring him which makes him want to starting making better choices faster and I need to ignore him so I don't snap.

So to all those people in the mall today... I DARE YOU to come over and say something to me, because you might be walking away with a new 4 year old... hehe.

That was just a little vent moment.


Theresa said...

Oh dear!! I have had those moments... alot and I actually do the exact same thing...and people stare....But I dont' care. My child know the rules and knows the consequences... I love old people... so nosy! Oh well... I am on to #2 now and starting all over...booo. hooo.!

Anonymous said...

love this post, simular situation happened to be today at walmart when we couldnt get a dora basket

Christal said...

Right there with you people don't know what disciple looks like anymore so they stare why because they give in and cater to it to make it stop instead of teaching them ! Way to say strong! I have the same daily issue when I go out with masen these strong willed kids will either kill us or make us stronger right!! hope all is good ttys

Jackie S. said...

Well I am glad there are other parents out there that are trying hard too.. :)

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