Lately, I have felt like such a blog slacker, but honestly I have a LOT more important things to stress about and haven't really let it bother me too much. However, when I see these list things on other people's blogs I really like them and they are an easy way to get a fun post in every once in a while. So here goes another one....thanks Christal for this one!!!
One thing I won’t let my husband buy me….. hmm...if my husband wanted to buy me anything I would probably be okay with it....maybe bath soap because I have such sensitive skin and he seems to always forget that and just wants to buy the cheapest soap possible....not good enough for this girl.
One thing I would love to have, but I probably will never have……..I would love to have a big family, seriously, 4+ kids (is that even big??) but who knows, this is being left in Heavenly Father's hands.
One thing you will never find in my closet…… overalls...uggg....I think they are SOOOOO ugly, in fact the only person I thought they looked remotely cute on was the Mom on Momma Mia....
One thing I would choose if I were having elective surgery………to get butt implants... I have SUCH a flat bum and would love a little lift....actually after this baby joins us I am going to see if there are workouts that can help with it a little because I REALLY don't like my bum.
One thing I love about my face……… eyes... for sure. I love my eyes, and if you notice my makeup, my eyes are what I like to draw attention to.
One thing that I love to do…..I LOVE watching Nathan play...he has such a great imagination and the things he comes up with are just amazing to me sometimes. Right now he is playing baseball and will start talking in this deep voice (the announcer) and will announce who is up to bat next... he's just a funny little guy. I also LOVE cuddling in bed with my hubby.
One thing I would like to change if I could……… thinning hair, one of the potential side effects of my PCOS (fertility problem) is male pattern baldness, and unfortunately over the last few years I have noticed a HUGE amount of hair loss which REALLY upsets me, but I will deal with it if and when the time comes that I start to seriously notice that I am going bald.
One thing I would change as a mom………..I would take the time to stop cleaning, cooking, being lazy and spend more time with Nate... actually this week I have been REALLY trying my best to just be there for Nate when he needs me, not when I have a minute... we have spent a lot of time reading, talking, sledding, walking, cuddling, and just being's been really nice.
One thing I would do if I had unlimited money………..Get all the renovations done on our house that we want done... new fence(this summer), new garage(who knows when this will be done), new countertops, sinks and faucets in kitchen and upstairs bathroom (hopefully this summer), new carpeting downstairs (again, who knows when this will be done), new flooring upstairs, and then finally new furniture. Oh the life of a homeowner. I'm trying to not be wordly because everything we have now is fine and works (just a little ugly), except the fence it has to go, and so we are just saving and when we can we will get things done... we will not go into debt for ANY of these things because I think that is CRAZY if what we have now is fine.
One thing that I will not do again……….ohhh there are a LOT of things from my past that I will NEVER do again...repentance is a FABULOUS thing.
One thing that I would like to do……….travel, actually this is more for Wayne since before he met me he had never left Canada. I would be fine with travelling but have traveled enough before I met Wayne that I would be okay with sticking around here for a while. However, Wayne has the travel bug and would love to go to MANY different places... and if he goes I am going too!!! :)
One thing I could do without………stress... I am a HUGE stresser and am trying to calm down but it's my nature, I worry about everything and everyone. I know it's not good for me, both physically and emotionally and I am really trying to work on it.
One thing I love to smell……newborn baby and their breath, freshly cut grass, fresh rain especially after the grass has been cut, Nathan after he's been playing outside all day (there's just a fresh smell about him, as long as he isn't crazy dirty), sheets that have been dried on a clothesline, the ocean (mmmm when we went to Seattle that smell made me feel so at home).
One thing I would do if I won the lottery…… off our house, do our renovations, put most of it into savings or our investments, donate some, put some away for Nate's schooling, go on a shopping spree and travel.
One thing that infuriates me.....stupid drivers(I could go on and on about this one), if 2 cars pull up to a 4-way stop at the same time and stop, the person to the right has the right of way... mean people also really tick me off, I just want to say "Who do YOU think YOU are?" and I have said that to people before in the past.... I am not afraid of saying what I think and I won't put up with bully's AT ALL.
One thing that I love about winter………..I actually LOVE playing outside in the snow, when it's warm enough to do so. Tackle football in the snow with the Shutra's, it's soooo much fun because being tackled doesn't hurt, plus they are nice to me and only gently tackle me..hehe.
One thing I pray for ………….a healthy baby, patience, understanding, love, Nathan & Wayne, an eternal family...oh that's way more than one thing
One thing I wish I had……nice perky boobs...hehe... I will be getting them soon when my milk comes in for a little while but then it sucks because they hurt too much...hehe.
One thing I would do again, regardless of the pain……go through all the treatments to have our babies, it was a little bit physically painful but as you all know it was EXTREMELY emotionally painful...however, having a beautiful healthy son and another wonderful baby on the way makes every tear worth it.
One thing that I absolutely hate to do………I really don't like doing dishes... seriously, I have to force myself to get them done everynight because I hate having a dirty kitchen in the morning. I would LOVE to have a person that did the dishes for me after I have made my huge supper cooking messes...oh wait, that's what my hubby is for!!! ;)
One thing that is weird about me………..hmmm....I don't know if it's weird but some people have told me it is... I am very open about sexuality...not my sex life but about sex in general. My parents were always open with us and even at a young age my GF's would ask me questions because they were too afraid to ask their parents but wanted to know the answers. I feel empowered by knowing about my body and how it functions and I am totally okay with talking to people about things. In fact, for about a month (ya, that's as long as that thought lasted) I thought about being a Sex Therapist (but for the church). I think people have too many hangups and questions that they are afraid to ask and it can cause problems in their lives.
One thing that I need help on………….patience, I lack it, but I'm trying, my husband might disagree but I really am trying.
One thing I find most relaxing………..a pedicure with friends.... I LOVE them.
One thing that could get me in trouble…….my lack of patience, and not being afraid to say what I think or believe (I will hold back for a while but if someone pushes me hard enough they will get an earful)
One thing that annoys me……..people that think they are better than others, cliques, acting like we are in highschool when we are almost 30.
One thing that I have learned, but still sometimes forget…… that I am a daughter of Heavenly Father and he has a great plan for me.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
I've been tagged!!
Theresa tagged me and I thought this one could be fun to do again.
6 things you may not know about me:
1)I HATE socks... as soon as I can I take them off, and if I could wear sandals all year long I would. I think I hate them the most because I have HOT feet, well normally I do except this pregnancy and my feet (well actually ALL of my body) are always FREEZING. My poor husband who HATES feet (seriously, HATE is probably an understatement) has to deal with me tucking them under his bum, trying to warm them up ALL night long, just trying to use his hotness :) to get warm.
2)In highschool I was on a dance team....not a cheerleader, but a dancer. I LOVED it!!! I wasn't going to try out but I am SOOOO glad I did. I met AWESOME girls, had sooo much fun training and learning the routines, performing for our basketball halftimes, performing for the college team halftime, going on a road trip to watch provincials, but mostly expanding who I was and experiencing something that I would never have done before. It was SOOOO much fun. (If any of my sweet danceteam members are snoopers on here, do you have any videos?!? I would love to see them.)
3) I LOVE to cook, but I don't really bake a whole lot (unless I am craving something specific). With cooking I love being able to throw a little of this and a little of that and coming up with something yummy. I LOVE cooking for other people, seriously, I love having people over and feeding them...if you don't leave my house STUFFED I feel like I haven't been a good hostess.
4) I once was propositioned to be a hooker. I am NOT KIDDING!!! If you don't believe me ask my mom 'cause she heard the WHOLE conversation. To make a long story short... when I was flying home from NY a guy (probably in his late 40's-50's) came up to my friends and I and started chatting us up. He got my number (Hmmmm, how did that happen???) and then about a week or so later I get this RANDOM call from this guy while I was cutting my mom's hair. I put him on speaker phone so I could keep cutting and after a while of him sucking up, saying how beautiful I was, etc. etc. he asked if I would like to move back to NY. (BTW, he knew he was on the speaker phone and he knew my mom was listening) Then he said that he would be willing to put me up in an apartment, he would pay all my expenses, including my gym membership (because I didn't need to lose weight but just to tone up.....that was his idea not mine). He told me I would get paid GREAT money... I can't remember how much but it was a LOT... uh hu... and he said that all I would have to do is when his "friends" came into town I would go with them to their functions and be their dates, look good on their arm, and keep them happy......OHHHHH OKAY!!!! I am not kidding, my mom and I sat there totally dumbfounded, mouths WIDE open, not really sure what to say. I turned him down, OBVIOUSLY, got off the phone and then my mom and I laughed so hard we were crying.... so yes, I could have been Pretty Woman!!!! HAHAHA
3) Hmmm... what else don't you guys know about me. My favorite color is pink....and my favorite color combo is pink and orange. Okay, that's boring especially after my last point.
4) I dated a LOT of guys before I met Wayne. I LOVED dating, seriously I had soooo much fun dating all the guys. I dated some pretty big losers, but I dated some pretty awesome guys too. I definately knew though when I met my husband what I wanted in a guy and what I didn't want and out of ALL the guys I dated.... Wayne was OBVIOUSLY the best choice for me... he was definately meant to be mine. He is the ying for my yang, the chocolate for my strawberries...blah blah... I kind of like the guy.
5) I always wanted a BIG family, I thought 6-8 kids would be FABULOUS!!!! My mom is from a family of 11. I have SOOOO many aunts and uncles, and the cousins.....oh there are SOOOOO many of them. I love when we all get together and I always wanted to have that. But then after having one little guy my number dropped to 4, and now I will be happy with 2. :) I am not sure if I will be done after this one. Wayne thinks we should be, but I think that is because our fertility trials are REALLY hard to go through physically and emotionally (for both of us) and I think he's just done with it all. I don't know what will happen but for now we are MORE than enjoying Nate and being pregnant and then we will see what happens after that. We're going to leave it up to Heavenly Father and I KNOW he will let us know what's best for our family.
6) I LOVE watching cooking shows... ohhh my poor husband. I don't know why I like watching them so much, maybe to get some new ideas. I could watch them all day if that wouldn't be TOTALLY not okay. My favorite is Iron Chef, and I secretly fantasize about being one of the guest judges...oh all the neat things you could eat.
Okay, well now it's time to pass this on for you to do.
6 things you may not know about me:
1)I HATE socks... as soon as I can I take them off, and if I could wear sandals all year long I would. I think I hate them the most because I have HOT feet, well normally I do except this pregnancy and my feet (well actually ALL of my body) are always FREEZING. My poor husband who HATES feet (seriously, HATE is probably an understatement) has to deal with me tucking them under his bum, trying to warm them up ALL night long, just trying to use his hotness :) to get warm.
2)In highschool I was on a dance team....not a cheerleader, but a dancer. I LOVED it!!! I wasn't going to try out but I am SOOOO glad I did. I met AWESOME girls, had sooo much fun training and learning the routines, performing for our basketball halftimes, performing for the college team halftime, going on a road trip to watch provincials, but mostly expanding who I was and experiencing something that I would never have done before. It was SOOOO much fun. (If any of my sweet danceteam members are snoopers on here, do you have any videos?!? I would love to see them.)
3) I LOVE to cook, but I don't really bake a whole lot (unless I am craving something specific). With cooking I love being able to throw a little of this and a little of that and coming up with something yummy. I LOVE cooking for other people, seriously, I love having people over and feeding them...if you don't leave my house STUFFED I feel like I haven't been a good hostess.
4) I once was propositioned to be a hooker. I am NOT KIDDING!!! If you don't believe me ask my mom 'cause she heard the WHOLE conversation. To make a long story short... when I was flying home from NY a guy (probably in his late 40's-50's) came up to my friends and I and started chatting us up. He got my number (Hmmmm, how did that happen???) and then about a week or so later I get this RANDOM call from this guy while I was cutting my mom's hair. I put him on speaker phone so I could keep cutting and after a while of him sucking up, saying how beautiful I was, etc. etc. he asked if I would like to move back to NY. (BTW, he knew he was on the speaker phone and he knew my mom was listening) Then he said that he would be willing to put me up in an apartment, he would pay all my expenses, including my gym membership (because I didn't need to lose weight but just to tone up.....that was his idea not mine). He told me I would get paid GREAT money... I can't remember how much but it was a LOT... uh hu... and he said that all I would have to do is when his "friends" came into town I would go with them to their functions and be their dates, look good on their arm, and keep them happy......OHHHHH OKAY!!!! I am not kidding, my mom and I sat there totally dumbfounded, mouths WIDE open, not really sure what to say. I turned him down, OBVIOUSLY, got off the phone and then my mom and I laughed so hard we were crying.... so yes, I could have been Pretty Woman!!!! HAHAHA
3) Hmmm... what else don't you guys know about me. My favorite color is pink....and my favorite color combo is pink and orange. Okay, that's boring especially after my last point.
4) I dated a LOT of guys before I met Wayne. I LOVED dating, seriously I had soooo much fun dating all the guys. I dated some pretty big losers, but I dated some pretty awesome guys too. I definately knew though when I met my husband what I wanted in a guy and what I didn't want and out of ALL the guys I dated.... Wayne was OBVIOUSLY the best choice for me... he was definately meant to be mine. He is the ying for my yang, the chocolate for my strawberries...blah blah... I kind of like the guy.
5) I always wanted a BIG family, I thought 6-8 kids would be FABULOUS!!!! My mom is from a family of 11. I have SOOOO many aunts and uncles, and the cousins.....oh there are SOOOOO many of them. I love when we all get together and I always wanted to have that. But then after having one little guy my number dropped to 4, and now I will be happy with 2. :) I am not sure if I will be done after this one. Wayne thinks we should be, but I think that is because our fertility trials are REALLY hard to go through physically and emotionally (for both of us) and I think he's just done with it all. I don't know what will happen but for now we are MORE than enjoying Nate and being pregnant and then we will see what happens after that. We're going to leave it up to Heavenly Father and I KNOW he will let us know what's best for our family.
6) I LOVE watching cooking shows... ohhh my poor husband. I don't know why I like watching them so much, maybe to get some new ideas. I could watch them all day if that wouldn't be TOTALLY not okay. My favorite is Iron Chef, and I secretly fantasize about being one of the guest judges...oh all the neat things you could eat.
Okay, well now it's time to pass this on for you to do.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Christmas Holidays cont'd.....
Boxing Day the Shutra boys always play in a Funspiel (I played one year but dangit, I'm pregnant this year so can't....ooohhh shucks...haha...not at all... I don't feel one bit sad that I'm not curling with them) Anyways, the boys love it and thought it would be fun to dress "up" or down for the day. They got some weird looks but they had a LOT of fun and I think they even won a few games.
Some pics of the hotties:
Wayne's sexy shot...note the high pants...RRAARRR!!!

Next up, Aaron's shot

Wayne and Andy talking strategy ;)

All the boys, trying to be cool. L-R: Grandpa Brian, Aaron, Wayne, Andrew

We spent a few more days at the Shutra's and then headed down to Calgary. We went to a Flames game, which Nate liked but because he was just getting over his sickness he slept through the 3rd period. We stayed at a hotel and went watersliding the next day which was soooo much fun. Went shopping for a little bit and then headed to Grandma and Grandpa Butler's house.
Again... I didn't take any pictures until the last night we were there....That is one of my goals for this year is to get more candid pictures of our family.
New Year's Eve we spent with Mom, Dad, Steven, Lisa, Ethan and the 3 of us. We hung out, ate munchies, popped poppers, counted down and then the kids went to bed. Again we played Things and had some AWESOME laughs, Dad even came and joined us (he was a party pooper at first but got sucked into the fun).
The next day we had some of my cousin's over and my grandparents and mom and dad made their AMAZING greek ribs..... ohhhhhh.... I was in HEAVEN!!! I have been craving these for months and BIG TIME hinted for them to make them. They were soooo goood.... I ate WAY too many but enjoyed EVERY single bite I took. We all ate like crazy and had a great time just hanging out. We played Things again... and were shocked at how naughty Grandpa & Grandma Great even can be!!! HEHE!!! It was funny cause my Dad kept telling me to keep it clean (meaning not to write anything dirty down for my responses)... I was being really good and then my Grandpa said something and that was the end of that.... I don't think I have EVER laughed so hard. We all had a super fun time, at least I did and I hope everyone else had fun.
We spent a few more days with mom and dad and Lisa and Steven and just had a nice relaxing time.
Ethan LOVED Nathan and would try to play with/bug him all the time. Nathan was SOOOO good and would play with Ethan, ignore him, or tell him to knock it off.... he showed me what a great big brother he is going to be.
Here are a few pictures of Ethan and Nate luvin on eachother:
Giving goodnight kisses

Nate's sleeping (NOT), Ethan could have stayed there all night if we had let him.

Ethan thought this might be more comfy

We had SUCH a great couple of weeks... I LOVE being with family especially during the holidays. We miss you all and wish everyone lived closer so we could see you all the time. I hope all my blogging friends had just as Fabulous of Christmas holidays as we did.
Some pics of the hotties:
Wayne's sexy shot...note the high pants...RRAARRR!!!

Next up, Aaron's shot

Wayne and Andy talking strategy ;)

All the boys, trying to be cool. L-R: Grandpa Brian, Aaron, Wayne, Andrew

We spent a few more days at the Shutra's and then headed down to Calgary. We went to a Flames game, which Nate liked but because he was just getting over his sickness he slept through the 3rd period. We stayed at a hotel and went watersliding the next day which was soooo much fun. Went shopping for a little bit and then headed to Grandma and Grandpa Butler's house.
Again... I didn't take any pictures until the last night we were there....That is one of my goals for this year is to get more candid pictures of our family.
New Year's Eve we spent with Mom, Dad, Steven, Lisa, Ethan and the 3 of us. We hung out, ate munchies, popped poppers, counted down and then the kids went to bed. Again we played Things and had some AWESOME laughs, Dad even came and joined us (he was a party pooper at first but got sucked into the fun).
The next day we had some of my cousin's over and my grandparents and mom and dad made their AMAZING greek ribs..... ohhhhhh.... I was in HEAVEN!!! I have been craving these for months and BIG TIME hinted for them to make them. They were soooo goood.... I ate WAY too many but enjoyed EVERY single bite I took. We all ate like crazy and had a great time just hanging out. We played Things again... and were shocked at how naughty Grandpa & Grandma Great even can be!!! HEHE!!! It was funny cause my Dad kept telling me to keep it clean (meaning not to write anything dirty down for my responses)... I was being really good and then my Grandpa said something and that was the end of that.... I don't think I have EVER laughed so hard. We all had a super fun time, at least I did and I hope everyone else had fun.
We spent a few more days with mom and dad and Lisa and Steven and just had a nice relaxing time.
Ethan LOVED Nathan and would try to play with/bug him all the time. Nathan was SOOOO good and would play with Ethan, ignore him, or tell him to knock it off.... he showed me what a great big brother he is going to be.
Here are a few pictures of Ethan and Nate luvin on eachother:
Giving goodnight kisses

Nate's sleeping (NOT), Ethan could have stayed there all night if we had let him.

Ethan thought this might be more comfy

We had SUCH a great couple of weeks... I LOVE being with family especially during the holidays. We miss you all and wish everyone lived closer so we could see you all the time. I hope all my blogging friends had just as Fabulous of Christmas holidays as we did.
I have been SUCH a slacker!!! Will you forgive me?!?
This last month has gone by SOOOOO fast. I have been REALLY enjoying everyone else's updates and have been thinking all month that I need to update but just have been too lazy...
how is that possible????
how can someone be too lazy to just write down some words???
I'm not sure but oh well I am back!!!
This will be just a mish-mash of stuff to quickly bring everyone back up to date. So I hope you'll be able to follow along with my randomness. :)
December was a fun/crazy busy month. I was VERY happy that this year I actually got most of my Christmas shopping done before December, and only had to go to the mall/Toys R' Us once. I think my hubby was pretty happy we didn't have to go again as I am not a patient person when it comes to dumb or rude drivers/shoppers and can embarass the poor guy a lot.... I just chalk it up to pregnancy hormones.
On the 23rd of December Nathan started acting REALLY weird and I finally stopped packing and just cuddled with my little guy.... the poor little thing was burning up and had a fever of 39.6 (103.3) which is WAY too high. Luckily his fever would come down with Tylenol but I still took him into the dr. since we were planning to be gone for almost 2 weeks. The dr. figured it was just a virus and he would just have to work it out on his own....poor thing. We spent the night keeping his temperature down and just trying to keep him comfy and relaxed. It was hard for me 'cause certain things had to be put on hold or not done at all before we packing and then getting the house SPOTLESS so when we come back it's to a clean house, this didn't happen because well....the little man needed to be loved more than the house needed to be cleaned. I wasn't even sure if we should go away until he felt better but since his fever was able to be controlled with Tylenol and Motrin we decided we would still try to go and if we had to we would go home.
On the 24th we headed to the Shutra's for Christmas (we alternate Christmas's every year, this year was with the Shutra's, next year will be with the Butler's). We had a BUNCH of fun with everyone (all the boys and Darryl's girlfriend were there).
Nathan built a gingerbread house with Grandma Charlene and Grandpa Brian.

Finished Product:

Just before Nathan was going to head for bed we got a surprise visitor....

Santa stopped by to make sure that Nathan was at Grandma and Grandpa's house because he had stopped at our house and Nate wasn't there. He also brought some pj's and a toy for Nathan and then told Nate to hurry and get to bed so he could bring the rest of the gifts. It was soooo much fun, Nathan was in total awe and didn't really know what to do or say (plus he still was fighting his fever and wasn't feeling very good). Santa left and Uncle Andy helped Nathan set up for Santa and sprinkle the reindeer dust so Santa could find his way back.
Nathan had a HORRIBLE night which meant Mommy had a HORRIBLE night too. Finally at 4 am I got up to give Nate another dose of Tylenol/Motrin and we made our way to the rocking chair. I rocked Nate for almost an hour and then we both passed out until 9:30....ahhhh, sleep is soooo wonderful. Grandma Charlene got up to take care of Nate and sent me back to bed. Poor Nate was soooo sick he didn't care that the living room was FILLED with presents and his once empty stocking was overflowing, all he wanted to do was lay with Grandma and watch cartoons. :(
I climbed into bed and Wayne asked what time it was... I told him 9:30 and he said..."We can't sleep in this late, it's Christmas morning, we have to get up and get going...come on, get up". I couldn't help but be excited and so we got everyone up.
We all were VERY spoiled this Christmas, especially the little man. I didn't take ANY pictures though of Christmas morning...what was I thinking?!?! My bad, bad husband broke our rule (we weren't getting gifts for eachother this year) and bought me a new video camera, which I LOVE, btw!!! I have to admit though, I broke the rule too and bought him a new jigsaw...bad me.
We had a fabulous breakfast, and then all just bummed around for the day. That night we went to Grandma Lulu's and Grandpa Louis (aka, Wayne's Grandma and Grandpa Shutra) and had a FABULOUS supper. We hung out with the cousins and then played "Things".... if you haven't played it yet you have's SOOOOOOO fun!!!! Seriously, one of THE best games I've ever played.
how is that possible????
how can someone be too lazy to just write down some words???
I'm not sure but oh well I am back!!!
This will be just a mish-mash of stuff to quickly bring everyone back up to date. So I hope you'll be able to follow along with my randomness. :)
December was a fun/crazy busy month. I was VERY happy that this year I actually got most of my Christmas shopping done before December, and only had to go to the mall/Toys R' Us once. I think my hubby was pretty happy we didn't have to go again as I am not a patient person when it comes to dumb or rude drivers/shoppers and can embarass the poor guy a lot.... I just chalk it up to pregnancy hormones.
On the 23rd of December Nathan started acting REALLY weird and I finally stopped packing and just cuddled with my little guy.... the poor little thing was burning up and had a fever of 39.6 (103.3) which is WAY too high. Luckily his fever would come down with Tylenol but I still took him into the dr. since we were planning to be gone for almost 2 weeks. The dr. figured it was just a virus and he would just have to work it out on his own....poor thing. We spent the night keeping his temperature down and just trying to keep him comfy and relaxed. It was hard for me 'cause certain things had to be put on hold or not done at all before we packing and then getting the house SPOTLESS so when we come back it's to a clean house, this didn't happen because well....the little man needed to be loved more than the house needed to be cleaned. I wasn't even sure if we should go away until he felt better but since his fever was able to be controlled with Tylenol and Motrin we decided we would still try to go and if we had to we would go home.
On the 24th we headed to the Shutra's for Christmas (we alternate Christmas's every year, this year was with the Shutra's, next year will be with the Butler's). We had a BUNCH of fun with everyone (all the boys and Darryl's girlfriend were there).
Nathan built a gingerbread house with Grandma Charlene and Grandpa Brian.

Finished Product:

Just before Nathan was going to head for bed we got a surprise visitor....

Santa stopped by to make sure that Nathan was at Grandma and Grandpa's house because he had stopped at our house and Nate wasn't there. He also brought some pj's and a toy for Nathan and then told Nate to hurry and get to bed so he could bring the rest of the gifts. It was soooo much fun, Nathan was in total awe and didn't really know what to do or say (plus he still was fighting his fever and wasn't feeling very good). Santa left and Uncle Andy helped Nathan set up for Santa and sprinkle the reindeer dust so Santa could find his way back.
Nathan had a HORRIBLE night which meant Mommy had a HORRIBLE night too. Finally at 4 am I got up to give Nate another dose of Tylenol/Motrin and we made our way to the rocking chair. I rocked Nate for almost an hour and then we both passed out until 9:30....ahhhh, sleep is soooo wonderful. Grandma Charlene got up to take care of Nate and sent me back to bed. Poor Nate was soooo sick he didn't care that the living room was FILLED with presents and his once empty stocking was overflowing, all he wanted to do was lay with Grandma and watch cartoons. :(
I climbed into bed and Wayne asked what time it was... I told him 9:30 and he said..."We can't sleep in this late, it's Christmas morning, we have to get up and get going...come on, get up". I couldn't help but be excited and so we got everyone up.
We all were VERY spoiled this Christmas, especially the little man. I didn't take ANY pictures though of Christmas morning...what was I thinking?!?! My bad, bad husband broke our rule (we weren't getting gifts for eachother this year) and bought me a new video camera, which I LOVE, btw!!! I have to admit though, I broke the rule too and bought him a new jigsaw...bad me.
We had a fabulous breakfast, and then all just bummed around for the day. That night we went to Grandma Lulu's and Grandpa Louis (aka, Wayne's Grandma and Grandpa Shutra) and had a FABULOUS supper. We hung out with the cousins and then played "Things".... if you haven't played it yet you have's SOOOOOOO fun!!!! Seriously, one of THE best games I've ever played.
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