Monday, January 19, 2009

I have been SUCH a slacker!!! Will you forgive me?!?

This last month has gone by SOOOOO fast. I have been REALLY enjoying everyone else's updates and have been thinking all month that I need to update but just have been too lazy...

how is that possible????

how can someone be too lazy to just write down some words???

I'm not sure but oh well I am back!!!

This will be just a mish-mash of stuff to quickly bring everyone back up to date. So I hope you'll be able to follow along with my randomness. :)

December was a fun/crazy busy month. I was VERY happy that this year I actually got most of my Christmas shopping done before December, and only had to go to the mall/Toys R' Us once. I think my hubby was pretty happy we didn't have to go again as I am not a patient person when it comes to dumb or rude drivers/shoppers and can embarass the poor guy a lot.... I just chalk it up to pregnancy hormones.

On the 23rd of December Nathan started acting REALLY weird and I finally stopped packing and just cuddled with my little guy.... the poor little thing was burning up and had a fever of 39.6 (103.3) which is WAY too high. Luckily his fever would come down with Tylenol but I still took him into the dr. since we were planning to be gone for almost 2 weeks. The dr. figured it was just a virus and he would just have to work it out on his own....poor thing. We spent the night keeping his temperature down and just trying to keep him comfy and relaxed. It was hard for me 'cause certain things had to be put on hold or not done at all before we packing and then getting the house SPOTLESS so when we come back it's to a clean house, this didn't happen because well....the little man needed to be loved more than the house needed to be cleaned. I wasn't even sure if we should go away until he felt better but since his fever was able to be controlled with Tylenol and Motrin we decided we would still try to go and if we had to we would go home.

On the 24th we headed to the Shutra's for Christmas (we alternate Christmas's every year, this year was with the Shutra's, next year will be with the Butler's). We had a BUNCH of fun with everyone (all the boys and Darryl's girlfriend were there).
Nathan built a gingerbread house with Grandma Charlene and Grandpa Brian.
Finished Product:

Just before Nathan was going to head for bed we got a surprise visitor....

Santa stopped by to make sure that Nathan was at Grandma and Grandpa's house because he had stopped at our house and Nate wasn't there. He also brought some pj's and a toy for Nathan and then told Nate to hurry and get to bed so he could bring the rest of the gifts. It was soooo much fun, Nathan was in total awe and didn't really know what to do or say (plus he still was fighting his fever and wasn't feeling very good). Santa left and Uncle Andy helped Nathan set up for Santa and sprinkle the reindeer dust so Santa could find his way back.

Nathan had a HORRIBLE night which meant Mommy had a HORRIBLE night too. Finally at 4 am I got up to give Nate another dose of Tylenol/Motrin and we made our way to the rocking chair. I rocked Nate for almost an hour and then we both passed out until 9:30....ahhhh, sleep is soooo wonderful. Grandma Charlene got up to take care of Nate and sent me back to bed. Poor Nate was soooo sick he didn't care that the living room was FILLED with presents and his once empty stocking was overflowing, all he wanted to do was lay with Grandma and watch cartoons. :(

I climbed into bed and Wayne asked what time it was... I told him 9:30 and he said..."We can't sleep in this late, it's Christmas morning, we have to get up and get going...come on, get up". I couldn't help but be excited and so we got everyone up.

We all were VERY spoiled this Christmas, especially the little man. I didn't take ANY pictures though of Christmas morning...what was I thinking?!?! My bad, bad husband broke our rule (we weren't getting gifts for eachother this year) and bought me a new video camera, which I LOVE, btw!!! I have to admit though, I broke the rule too and bought him a new jigsaw...bad me.

We had a fabulous breakfast, and then all just bummed around for the day. That night we went to Grandma Lulu's and Grandpa Louis (aka, Wayne's Grandma and Grandpa Shutra) and had a FABULOUS supper. We hung out with the cousins and then played "Things".... if you haven't played it yet you have's SOOOOOOO fun!!!! Seriously, one of THE best games I've ever played.

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