Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I'm such a slacker!!!

Wayne is always giving me heck cause I am not a regular writer on here, and I admit, unless I have "something" to write about I don't even think about the blog.

Poor Nathan has been sick. On Sunday he was coughing but we went to church and then skipped out on Nursery. By 6pm Sunday night Nathan had a slight fever, we put him to bed and then he woke up in the middle of the night just burning up. I tried to take his temp. but our thermometer sucks and wouldn't give us an accurate temp. so we just gave him tylenol and he and Wayne tried to sleep. However, being a Mom I was really worried since I didn't know how hot he really was so I didn't sleep the rest of the night because I kept checking Nathan's temp all night. For the rest of the day we layed in bed, I watched cartoons, and Nathan just snuggled into my chest and tried to sleep. He was sooo warm that it was not comfy to lay with him. He was VERY lathargic all day, and then last night around 8pm his fever broke and he was goofy again. Actually, it was cute 'cause he was laying on the couch singing some weird song and it sounded like we had given him a shot of ecstasy or something cause he was SOOOO weird.

Well, that was a boring post, but Wayne I did post so I hope you are happy. ;)

1 comment:

stone's eye view said...

i'm glad Nathan is feeling better. Sick kids are so sad to see.

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