Spending alone time with Wayne is soooo wonderful, and we need to do it more often, maybe not sleepovers but definately date nights. So last night while we were playing Rummikub I was thinking about some of the fun dates Wayne and I have done. Wayne is VERY romantic and is very creative and comes up with fun things to do all the time. Then I started to think about how much my life changed over 5 years ago when I met him. And then..... I finally thought about how we met, and I am sure that I haven't told many people how Wayne and I "Actually" met.
A little background info.
After highschool I decided that I wasn't ready to go to school yet, so I lived in a few different places including Seattle, SanFranscisco, Lethbridge (woohoo), Saskatoon, and then NY. I moved to NY because I was tired of living the life that I was, and I didn't want to keep going down the path that I was headed. So in NY I made some life altering changes, I found out who I REALLY was and I started living how deep in my heart I always wanted to. After almost a year of NY, my girlfriends and I decided that we were going to move back to Utah (probably because we were getting old, 22-25, and we wanted to get married, hehehe) . I moved back to Canada to get "permission" to move back to the US for work/school. When I was getting ready to leave NY my girlfriends said that I wouldn't be moving to Utah, they just had the feeling that we wouldn't be together anymore. I of course, told them they were crazy but little did I know that they really did have the right feeling.
So after a few months of being back in Saskatoon with my family I started getting bored with some of the friends I had. Lot's of my friends were living a different lifestyle than what I wanted to live, they wanted to go to the bar every night on the weekend, they were big into drinking, partying, sleeping around, and kept trying to set me up with guys that were living this lifestyle. I also hung out with a lot of YSA friends and they were fun but noone interested me in a relationship kind of way. So I decided to do something.........
Here it goes.......
I went onto Yahoo dating site, and posted a little something about myself. I NEVER thought that I would meet anyone. Well, I got a lot of responses and met a few guys but was NOT interested in any of them AT ALL!!! Then low and behold this one guy responded and he seemed really interesting.....okay...... I know, I know.....it's SOOOOO LOSERISH!!!! I can't believe that I did it, but I did and I guess Heavenly Father led me that way because I wouldn't have met Wayne any other way.
Now for the neat part. Wayne had also made an account, he was a loser back then though....just kidding!!! His account trial was up the next day and he wasn't going to renew it. He decided to check the ads one last time before the trial was over and he saw an ad about an interesting girl. So he emailed me and told me his account was closing but if I wanted I could email him at his normal email address. So I did. We emailed back and forth for a week, then we talked on the phone for a week and then decided to meet.
On the day of our meeting I went to get my nails done like I always did. However, on that day I was running late (typical me) and I didn't have time to go home and really do my hair and makeup. So I quickly drove to Joe Bean's (that's where we were meeting). I was just about to do a U-turn when I saw this hot yellow mustang(Wayne had told me he drove a yellow car) drive by with a hot guy driving it. I thought "oh I hope that's the guy" and then of course I got freaked out. I parked, got out of the car, walked over to the yellow car knocked on the window, and the hot guy looked up at me.........OHHHH my heart skipped a beat, he was SOOOO cute, and his smile....
We went inside, got a hot chocolate and hot apple cider, and sat and talked. The waitress kept coming up to us and asking if we needed anything, I started to get annoyed because she wouldn't leave us alone and would come up every "5-10 minutes". Well she wasn't coming up every 5-10 minutes but more like 45-60 minutes. We were soooo engrossed with eachother that we didn't realize time was flying by. Wayne asked if I was hungry and if I wanted to go for supper. The practical side of me screamed "NO, it's time to end the date and keep him wanting more." but the emotional side of me screamed louder " Yes, he's hot, he wants to continue the date, GO WITH HIM!!!!"
We went to Boston Pizza, ordered and again talked like we had known eachother for years. In fact, Wayne was SOOOO good.... when I was talking he would put his knife and fork down and listen to every word I said. WOW!!! I remember being soooo impressed. Now I'm happy if he talks to me at dinner without food in his mouth... ;). Anyways, again people seemed to be moving in fast forward, but really we were just not paying attention. We closed down Boston Pizza, Wayne then drove me back to my car, he started my car and then we sat and talked longer in his car.
I went home totally in a daze..... could he really be THE ONE???? Why are you feeling like this, you've dated lot's of guys before, but this is different!! Wow, he's hot, I could totally make out with him.... :)
I called my girlfriends the next day, and they said, "We told you so!!!!" I wanted to see Wayne again right away. I knew "they" say not to seem desperate you should give it a week, but I couldn't wait a week. That night when he called me I asked him if he would like to get together again, he said "What about tomorrow night?" I told him that the next night my family always had the missionary's over for dinner but he was more than welcome to come over. He said"Sure".
So the next night Wayne ( the poor guy) not only had to meet my family for the first time, but also 6 missionary's. HEHE!!! Oh and remember, Wayne was not a member of the church yet, we hadn't really talked anything about it, so it was I am sure an overwhelming night. My mom asked him at some point in the evening "So, Wayne, what are your intentions with my daughter?" And he said " I'm going to marry her!!!" Looking back that was kind of creepy...heheh.... but he was totally joking and I was totally loopy so it was sweet.
We dated for 3 months, got engaged and were married 6 months later. It was fast, intense, sureal, but incredible, right, and what was suppose to happen. So even though we were big losers and met from the internet, we found eachother and I know that we were meant to, so it is all worth it.
I love you Wayne, my "geeky" internet lover!!! :)