Well after crying/bawling for almost 2 hours I finally got myself under control enough to get on my knees. The first time I prayed, I prayed that I wouldn't be angry with Heavenly Father...the second time I prayed, I prayed for patience and understanding.
I finally felt like I could call admissions without breaking down into sobs. I called and got Wendy, yes the Wendy that had given me the wrong information. I told her my name, asked if she wanted to open my file before we started talking and she said she didn't need to because she knew who I was. Okay, I informed her that I was told months ago.......blah...blah...blah....if you've read my
last entry you'll know what I was told. BTW, I was not rude at all.... I was blunt, and said EXACTLY what I felt but not rude, just strong. Instantly, she was EXTREMLY rude, told me that if I hadn't taken my Bio. I would have had to get a crazy high mark in Math to make up for my highschool bio's low average "and well, getting those kind of marks aren't guaranteed". She told me that there are human errors...She also started going into even though I was given the wrong information my grades were what was holding me back....blah...blah....blah....
Well that was where I couldn't bite my tongue anymore. I said "You need to stop right there, you were the one that gave me the wrong info, you were the one that told me that my math was fine, you were the one that told me I didn't need to upgrade, you have some NERVE to try to turn this around on me when you were the one that gave me the wrong information. If I had KNOWN that I needed to take my Math I might have done things differently, I could have AT LEAST gotten my Math done and if then I needed to raise my average I could be in a Bio class NOW not next semester. Yes, I understand there are human mistakes but when you guys lost my transcripts didn't inform me of this, and now I am learning that because of other HUMAN MISTAKES I was given the wrong info... well do you understand why I am just a little frustrated????? In highschool I messed around and I regret that now everyday, but I am a very smart person and I am doing EVERYTHING I can to get into this program and yet I feel like everything is waying me down and holding me back."
At this point I broke down... I couldn't stop... the tears started pouring, my voice totally cracked...I could only get out a quiet whisper "Just one sec."..... I sat there breathing deeply trying to get control of my emotions.
When I got back on with her I asked if she understood why I was upset, and her tone was 100% different when she answered. She understood how this whole situation could be VERY upsetting. She talked to me about my options, I got exact answers from her and I asked EVERY little question I could so I was VERY clear on what happens now, in fact, I asked the same thing a few times over.
By the end of our conversation she apologized for giving me the wrong information, and I thanked her for that...because really that's all I really wanted... I just wanted a sorry. It sucks that I have to upgrade my math and that I just found out about it, but at least she owned up to her mistake. We joked about her making sure when she sees my name again come across her desk that no more mistakes happen. I apologized for getting cranky with her and she said she understands why I am so upset. She thanked me for calling and getting it cleared up, and again I thanked her for owning her mistake and how much that meant to me.
I hung up the phone feeling such a weight lifted off my chest. It REALLY sucks that I have to do Math now, but I'm going to take the Accuplacer (a test that allows me to challenge my Math scores). If I pass the Accuplacer then I will instantly be accepted into the program because my average is high enough, I just have to get the Math. Now I get to go back and try to remember Grade 12 math information and Study, Study, Study hoping I can pass...ohhhh how fun!!!
So all in all I am feeling better about what has happened. I don't like what happened, but I now can deal with it because I feel like I was TRULY heard.