Wednesday, November 26, 2008


If you ever want to just kick up your normal day to day mashed potatoes you need to try THESE. They are SOOOOOO good. I have been waiting to try these for a VERY long time, but because of the amount of FAT (mmmm..... fat) in them and trying to lose weight I just didn't think it was a very smart idea. However, now that I am pregnant (yes, I am still eating REALLY healthy for most of the time) I feel that a little indulgence every once in a while is TOTALLY okay.

These potatoes are DEFINATELY an indulgence, but they are soooo worth it (BTW, the first time you make them I would recommend to not skimp on anything, you need to experience the yummyness, after that if you still want to skimp go for it) . We ate them with ham and sliced tomatoes and cucumbers, and gravy was not needed. They are creamy, flavorful, just totally yummy. I probably won't make them again for a while, again, once you read the recipe you will understand, but I'm thinking Mom and Dad can make some of their FABULOUS greek ribs and I will make these.... ohhhhh.....Dad I will totally bring an extra box of ribs down if I need to.... my mouth is WATERING!!!!

I just thought I would pass on this awesome find to all my wonderful friends out there in blog land. :) Yes grandma, you can probably make a smaller portion for a few meals for you and grandpa, or just invite over a bunch of grandkids and let them enjoy them as well. :)


Vanessa said...

Jackie, that looks so fabulous. Yummmmmm! Now I need an excuse to make them.

ec said...

anything with cream cheese is divine, yes?

thanks for this!

The Souster Family said...

I have been making my mashed potatoes with cream cheese for a few years now and I have a hard time eating them any other way!! I am so glad that you discovered it!! And try adding a little bit of Montreal Steak Spice to it as well!! Gives it that little extra WOW!! Take care!! :)

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