Thursday, April 16, 2009


I don't know if you've seen this video yet but it has REALLY got me thinking the last few days.

***This is Susan Boyle. *** (click on the colored words to go to the videos)
She is a contestant on Britain's Got Talent.
Warning: if you watch this video you may find yourself watching it again, and again, and again.

Another video I have really enjoyed for quite a while is of this man,

***Paul Potts***
another contestant on Britain's Got Talent from last year.
(Watch specifically at 2:24 when his face goes from smiling to blank... breaks my heart EVERYTIME)

These are 2 people that before they walked onto that stage had NO IDEA how amazing they are or how they were going to affect everyone that saw them.
Sweet Susan Boyle- When she walked on the stage I thought... Girl, you need some serious help with that hair...I admit, just like everyone else I instantly judged her and was curious to see what kind of trainwreck she was going to perform. I did have a GREAT laugh when she shook her booty though...haha... you go girl!!! But then...
then like one of the judges said, she taught me SUCH a valuable lesson. When she started singing the warmth just flooded my body and ran out with my tears...she was INCREDIBLY beautiful!!! Her voice, as you've heard, was angelic, her determination and belief in herself was sooo intense I couldn't help but fall in love with this funny little poofy haired lady.

Then I had to go and watch Paul's performance. This little phone salesman who made me cry because of his inability to see how amazing he really is and his awkwardness. Seriously, everytime I watch it and see him go from being proud/happy to unsure right after he finished singing sooo amazingly breaks my heart.

After watching both of these amazing performances I thought about a few things: shallow and judgemental I can be. I know there are times when I will look at someone and judge them because of their outwardly appearance. I also should know by now that this is SOOO wrong and I have been put in my place many times. Some of THE nicest people I have ever met don't look like what is "normal" per the world's standards. Susan looks like one of "those special spirits" that I have joked about in the past and maybe she is a little quirky but who cares...why is it my place to judge her? Oh right, it's not!!!

Another thing is how amazing it is how Heavenly Father has hidden these amazing talents in the most interesting places. Both of these people would NEVER have gotten a 2nd look if they had walked into a normal agency and said "I want to sing for you, because I have an amazing talent." They would have been laughed out of the room. But what an amazing opportunity they have to share their talents and to teach us all a lesson. I really want to stop next time I look at someone and start to judge them and think... I wonder what their hidden talent is?

What's shocked me the most was when watching both of these performances I think that I got a teeny tiny view of how Heavenly Father sees all of us. Here we are on the earth, going about our day to day things, sometimes feeling ugly, awkward, not confident, unsure of ourselves or unsure of the way we are going in our lives. However, Heavenly Father is up there waiting for our performance, and he sees who we REALLY are and sees past all the "poofy hair", self doubt, and sees our talents and knows how TRULY BEAUTIFUL we really are. I wish/hope that I can stop when things seem to be spinning out of control and I am judging myself and see that in myself Heavenly Father has hidden VERY specific talents that are JUST for me. Hopefully I will be able to stop and see how BEAUTIFUL I REALLY AM!!!


Maja said...

Wow Jackie - so so true. Those really were amazing performances. Thanks for your insights and sharing those videos. So wonderful! I love when I get "goose pimples" (Crazy Brits, they are called goose BUMPS) and double the delight when it comes from such a surprise,

Theresa said...

Amazing! What a performance for sure. It is hard to see yourself or any one else the way our Heavenly Father does. I think that is one of the reasons this earthly trial is here.

Vanessa said...

Thanks for the insight Jackie. I too had shivers for both of them. If only we could each see a bit more clearly before the huge aha! I guess that is something we are supposed to learn her. Amazing!

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