Thursday, February 4, 2010

My little big man

Tonight I was cuddling with Nate in his bed at bedtime and we were having a nice little chat about preschool, friends, bully's, etc. Nathan was acting so old and I said:

M-"Nate, will you stop growing?"
N-"I can't, I HAVE to keep growing."

I pouted and he hugged me.

M-"But Nate I don't want you to grow up, I want you to stay little FOREVER."
N-"Mom, if I stay this size forever people will tease me."
M-"?????? Why will they tease you?"
N-"Well, if I'm 90 but I still look 4 people will say, WHAT?"


We talked for a little bit longer and then I said:
M-"Nate, if you grow bigger pretty soon you're going to be 19 and you'll go on your mission and then get married and then you won't live with me anymore." Pout.
N-"Well, MOOOooooommmm... I'll just live with you forever. When I get married then we will just live here because when you get married you live where you live."
M-"Nate, Mommy is married and I don't live with my parents."
N-"Mom, when I am 11 and I get married I won't be old enough to drive so I'll have to live with you"

I said goodnight, gave my little big man a hug and kiss and told him that we'll discuss him living with us FOREVER when he's 16.


BigCityGirlatHeart said...

That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard! I wish I knew this little man of yours, he seems so sweet.

ec said...

um, so cute.

and i heard you're IN! congrats!

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