Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Well I had my surgery yesterday and it actually went pretty well. I was extremely nervous to go in but they put the IV line in quickly and next thing I knew I could taste garlic (that's what I always taste when the anesthetic starts kicking in). I said to the dr. "Are you putting me to sleep already?" They said yes, and all I had time to say was "See ya later" and I was asleep.

I woke up a few hours later and actually felt really good. So here's where the thankyou comes in. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers, I have been under anesthetic 3 times previous to this time and everytime I have been EXTREMELY sick afterwards. But this time everything was different. I wasn't nauseous at all, I was tired but after resting for awhile felt pretty great. I am pretty sore so they must have done quite a bit of work on me, but hopefully it means that things will start working like they are suppose to.

So again, thankyou so much, I am feeling pretty great and I really am glad this happened when it did and we didn't have to wait 6 months for it.


Vanessa said...


Glad to hear it went well. They had to do more than just explore then, eh? I hope you continue to do well and that every thing works out!

adrienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
adrienne said...

(Sorry that deleted one was me)
I'm happy to hear everything went well and you're feeling okay! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers while you're recovering and here's to hoping for a positive outcome from all this!!!

The Johnston's said...

So glad to hear everything went great! Now hopefully things will start happening for ya! Good luck!

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