How old will you turn in 2009? I will be last year of my 20's!!! :(
Would you date someone 8 years older than you? Not now for obvious reasons.... but when I was single I really thought I was going to date an older man that had kids ya... I think I could have in the past.
What were you doing at 4am? Trying to fall back asleep after being up huh!!! :)
What were your first thoughts this morning? Oh man, just 5 more minutes PLEASE!!!
Are you a jealous person? Not normally, but everyone once in a while I can be and it's usually if I am PMS'ing or pregnant... I use to be horrible but my self esteem had been beaten down (a HORRIBLE relationship I was in) and I really didn't think I was worth anything or anyone would REALLY want me. I am TOTALLY past that and know what I am really worth so no... I'm not a jealous person.
Is there anything that has messed up your life? I wouldn't say messed up my life... made me who I am today? for sure, but not messed up my life...
Do you have a best friend? Yes, I have been VERY blessed to have a few BF's in my life.
Where was your default picture taken? I don't think I have a default picture on here, do I?
What is bothering you right now? That my room is "hot" and I can't cool it down....blah.
Is there any meaning behind your profile song? I don't have a profile song.
Do you believe what goes around comes around? Ummm... maybe.
Do you trust people easily? Partially... I might want to trust people and I definately give everyone a chance but you screw up or break my trust and it's REALLY hard to get it back.
One thing you're looking forward to? Holding this sweet baby in my arms.... Seeing Wayne with his 2nd child...Watching Nathan meet his brother or sister for the 1st time.
What was the last thing you drank? Water... at night I have to drink at least 3 cups of water within the hour before I go to bed or I am sick ALL night... the only downfall is that then I have to pee a few times in the night.
Are most of the best friends in your life new or old? New.
Do you like pulp orange juice? I LOVE extra pulp... Wayne HATES pulp, so I usually have to buy one of both.
Which could you tolerate more, a sleep walker or someone who snores? A sleep walker... I can't stand snoring because I am not a deep sleeper and it drives me insane if I am having troubles sleeping and Wayne's having a GREAT sleep... I actually usually poke him until he stops.
Would you ever parachute off of a plane? Yes, I WILL go skydiving once my kids are grown if I can... I should have gone before I had kids, and I don't think that it would be fair to go now....just in case..but once they are grown I would LOVE to.
Is your birthday on a holiday? Depending on the year it falls on Mother's Day.
Do you want to hit something? Ummm...what kind of question is that? NO!!!
Is your ex still in your life as a friend? Ya, I have a few that I have kept in contact with.
Would you ever get a tattoo? I don't think so.
What's your mood? Content.
Who's the last person you hugged? Nathan, always before he goes to bed.
Day been rough? Ya, it was NOT a good day. I was up around 7:30 and by 11:30 I realized that I hadn't felt baby all morning. I poked the baby, pushed it around, drank some cold water, layed down, and finally drank a glass of root beer. Baby still didn't move. I called my dr. and they told me to come in. Not even 5 minutes later the baby moved around a bit. I then called my dr. back and they still recommended me coming in, just in case. I had a non-stress test and baby was still being a bum, the heartrate was staying pretty even, which isn't what they want to see I guess. After 3 juice boxes baby started behaving and the nurse said that baby is just being lazy and having a REALLY good sleep today. That's fine but next time baby, please let me know that everything is fine by twitching or something while you're sleeping. So ya, this morning was not fun.
Is there someone you want to be with right now? Wayne, he's working on things in the basement again though and I will probably be going to sleep before he's done.
Plans for your next birthday? Not to have the baby. Jen & Mark and Russ & Beth will all be out of town and they are the people that Nate will be staying with if we have the baby. So hopefully baby doesn't make an appearance at that time.
Tell me about the shirt you're wearing? It is an orange maternity shirt that Jen loaned me and I LOVE it.
Do you remember who you liked in 7th grade? Oh man, I had soooo many crushed growing up... I really don't remember any specific time frame/guy until Grade 9.
What are you up to this weekend? Putting our basement back together... the carpet will be installed on Friday...WOOHOOO!!!!
How do you vent your anger? I am a yeller, and I am really trying to work on this... and if I am REALLY mad I will start crying (this drives me insane because there have been times that I needed to be mad and needed to be strong and I break down crying). Also, if I am really angry I will say exactly what I am thinking, again this is something that isn't good sometimes.
Can you crack your knuckles? Sure can.
What color is your mouse pad? I am using my laptop right now, and our desktop has a plain black one.
What time did you wake up this morning? Which time? Each time I peed? The time I puked? Or when I actually got up?
How many different people of the opposite sex have you REALLY cried over? Too many that I cried over. But there are only a small handful that I REALLY cried over, or that I had REAL feelings for.
Would your parents be mad if you were in a relationship? Umm... I hope they like that I am married... ;)
What was the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? Snuggled with Wayne, had a drink of water and ate saltine crackers (the same thing I have done for the last 8+ months)
Do you feel comfortable with answering personal questions? Depends on the person that I am telling but usually I am VERY open.
Do you think age matters in relationships? No. Maturity does though.
What will you do after this? Get ready for bed and watch some t.v.
Are you open about your feelings or closed off? Open
What are you listening to? TV.
Are you gonna be home alone tonight? Noppers, I have both my boys here.
Is it okay if you kiss people when you're single? Uhhh... YA!!!! That's the best part of being single...kiss whoever you want...hehe...just kidding.
Would you go in public looking like you do right now? No, I am missing some articles of clothing that might get me arrested if I went out in public....being HUGE and clothing being tight just isn't working for me right now... sometimes my body needs to "breathe".
What's something that can always make you feel better? A hug, kiss
Do you think your best friend and you will be friends in 10 years? Absolutely.
Did you laugh a lot at something today? Ya, Nate makes me laugh every day.